Patient Participation Group
The Aims of the Patient Participation Group
Our surgery has a Patient Participation Group which is a small group of volunteers who are patients themselves at Mill Road. The group currently has members from different backgrounds and a wide age range.
We meet around every quarter with the Practice Manager to discuss any surgery news or changes. We have the opportunity to ask plenty of questions and have our say on how the practice is run. We are all really impressed with how receptive to our opinions the practice management always are and we have already seen many positive changes take place.
We want to be sure we are indeed representing Mill Road’s patient population so we oversee regular patient surveys and always welcome any correspondence or comments from other patients.
If you are a patient and have any comments or suggestions please use the practices comments/suggestions box found in the entrance foyer, leave a message via the online form or leave our group a note with the reception staff. We are also always happy to welcome new members to our group. If you are interested in joining or attending one of our meetings please leave a message at reception and somebody will contact you.
Patient Practice Group Minutes Archive
Getting Your View
The group would like to contact patients on occasion by email and/or text so that they can obtain the views of the widest group of patients possible. We would like to obtain your email address and mobile phone number to do this. Please complete the Patient Contact Form to provide your consent for this.